The cardiac system of a dog

A multidisciplinary learning medium for veterinary students & young professionals

This work is subject of my bachelor's thesis and implicates both a 3D animation and an accompanying booklet in pocket format.
The cardiovascular system as well as a selected heart disease of the dog is discussed within the scope of this work. Anatomical and physiological fundamentals and pathological changes of the cardiac system are explained in a multidisciplinary manner. The potential target group includes veterinary students and young assistants.
3D-Visualization & Watercolor | 2016

The booklet is created in a handy size so that it can be carried as a practical companion during study or professional life. It is intended to serve as a reference book for practice routine which informs the user quickly about clinically relevant details of the cardiac system (e.g. important vessels for blood withdrawal). Besides, it contributes to reactivate forgotten knowledge.

The animation illustrates both physiological and pathological processes of the canine heart. As the most frequent acquired heart disease of the dog the »Mitralklappenendokardiose« is explained. The following video was created as a demo version and shows parts of the animation »The cardiac system of a dog«. It visualizes the physiological position of the organ in the dog body and the physiological heart cycle.